For some reason it is set to US so it says that some words such as popularised and colour are spelt wrong when they are not because I am in the UK
Any help?
btw my language bar is set to english uk too and i removed the US keyboard for it but still no result in MS Word.How do I change the language from English US to English UK in Microsoft Word?
Go to Tools, click on Language, click on Set Language choose English (U K ) make sure both boxes at bottom of box are ticked and then OK. This should work but it always pays to check at foot of document to make sure that you are in English UK and if necessary change it. Or you can tick Default.
It is a an ongoing problem and all you can do is check as mentioned.How do I change the language from English US to English UK in Microsoft Word?
pardon my sense of humor,but I think its Bill Gates way of saying %26quot; I am on top of the world !%26quot;
....How do I change the language from English US to English UK in Microsoft Word?
MS Word is supposed to be easy to customize, but as we've all found, reverts in an instant according to some deep logic of its own.
Try opening a document, then picking the Format drop-down menu from the menu bar.
Select Style.
Click the button that says Modify.
In the bottom left corner of the box that opens is a menu button. Click it and choose Language.
That should give you a list of languages including English (UK). Select that, click the box marked %26quot;Add to template%26quot;, and if it will let you, click the button labelled Default.
Keep saying Yes to any questions until you've redefined the language in your Normal template. Then you should be ok for any document styles you're using that are based on Normal style. (If you don't know what style you're using, all the better: it's almost certainly Normal.)
After that, if you've got a document open and you find it's reverted to English (US), try selecting all the text in the document, picking the Tools drop-down menu from the menu bar and selecting Language. That will give you the same menu of languages, and you can make the same choice: English (UK) and Default. Which ought to preserve that document at least.
Don't be surprised if you find yourself going through all this more than once...How do I change the language from English US to English UK in Microsoft Word?
That drives me nuts, too. I'm in Canada (we use UK English and not US English) and it keeps telling me all these words are spelled wrong. It took me about 5 times changing the language to get it to actually stick. I believe the software is written like that on purpose (or there's a bug in it) but just keep trying to switch it. The first poster explained how to do that so I won't re-type it, but good luck. I know how annoying it is.